How to Stand Out as a SEO Freelancer in 2024 [Roadmap]


One of the biggest issues for SEO beginners is finding projects in the beginning. It’s a reality that no one trusts new or intermediate learners with their websites, but that doesn’t mean there’s no success for you.

Every SEO freelancer has gone through the same path. The key differentiator between those who thrive and those who step away from freelancing lies in their strategies. In this roadmap, I’ll outline practical strategies to help you stand out and move toward success in the field of SEO freelancing.

Thriving as a SEO Freelancer in 2024: 10 Effective Strategies

Here are the ten effective strategies you can follow to become a successful SEO freelancer in 2024.

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Practice 

The biggest mistake SEO freelancers make initially is they don’t focus on learning SEO best practices or getting hands-on experience. Remember, SEO isn’t a skill you can learn just by watching videos.

You need to practice the website’s on-page SEO and off-page SEO strategies to learn what works and how much time it takes. This hands-on approach is key to mastering the skill of effective SEO and standing out as an expert.

For this purpose, aim to work on as many projects as possible during your first year as an SEO freelancer. This way, you can put into practice what you’ve learned, pick up new insights, and steadily advance your skills.

2. Up to Date Learning 

The second effective SEO strategy 2024 you should follow to become an SEO freelancer is to keep yourself updated with the new SEO trends and knowledge. You can follow blogs like Ahref, Backlinko and so forth to learn something new.

Besides following blogs, check the status of new updates on the Google website.

google algorithm updates

You can check the updates Google has rolled out recently. Once you click the update name, you’ll be redirected to a page with brief info and a link. By following the link, you can access the official information about the update from the Google.

google search status dashboard

3. Connect with Industry Expert 

The next strategy freelancers must follow is connecting with industry experts to get the latest info to drive more organic traffic to websites. Finding these experts isn’t difficult; just create profiles on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, X, Reddit, Quora, etc.

Find profiles of people who are in the same field as you, which means SEO executives. Ensure the expert’s profiles boast good content. And remember, just hitting the “follow” button isn’t enough – aim to engage with these experts.

Start by dropping helpful comments on their posts and keep your own profile buzzing with activity. Building a connection can go a long way. The industry experts might be able to share knowledge and tips they’ve followed, and there’s also a chance of collaboration on projects.

“Bonus Tips: Check out the “X” platform (also known as Twitter) to learn new things in SEO. Many experts on X share the SEO case studies with their paid subscribers and the proof, which can help you learn a lot.”

4. Provide Quality Services at the Right Price Point

In the beginning, many SEO freelancers provide keyword research services, technical SEO, and on-page and off-page SEO at extremely low prices. It might initially seem like a good idea, but this practice can do more harm than good.

The clients who usually comes to you first are the one who can’t offer the competitive market price. When you eventually suggest raising the price, they tend to disappear, leaving you with nothing.

That’s why it’s wise to align your services with market prices. If you’re thinking of offering discounts, avoid undercharging. Set a price that reflects professionalism and eagerness for quality work, not desperation.

5. Niche Down your SEO Services

Instead of selling everything, be an expert by focusing on specific SEO service. For example, you can offer an on-page service to boost ranking in search engine results pages or guest posting and backlinking services to improve the DA score.

Some fellow freelancers only offer HARO link-building services, while some do local or e-commerce SEO. What you choose all depends on your interests. Just be sure to select two or three services and dedicate one or two years to honing your skills in that particular area.

Boost your online presence by promoting yourself as an expert in these chosen services. Share your experiences and case studies on social media to attract potential clients and to become Google SEO Expert

6. Keep Yourself Updated with SEO Trends

Always keep yourself updated with new SEO trends. After all, SEO as a field is constantly evolving; strategies that used to work do not work anymore. For instance, keyword stuffing and adding LSI keywords have lost their effectiveness.

In 2024, the focus is on semantic keywords, establishing tropical authority, and building quality backlinks. If you don’t keep your finger on the pulse of these latest SEO trends, you’ll miss out on many freelance opportunities.

7. Email & Social Media Marketing 

Don’t neglect the power of social media and email marketing. These two famous types of digital marketing help a lot in personal branding.

You can build an email list by sharing good content on your social media profiles and website. With good content and presence on social media online platforms, you can get more organic traffic to your portfolio site and followers on your social media accounts.

This not only boosts your online visibility but also grows your social media following, potentially turning them into clients down the road.

8. Use Freelance Platforms 

Apart from social media management portfolio websites, you should also use platforms like UpWork, Fiverr, and PeoplePerHour for your freelance business. These platforms have clients that pay well to SEO experts who keep themselves updated with the latest search engine algorithm updates.

You can easily earn based on per hour, milestone, or on a project basis, depending upon your preference. Also, share the reviews of freelancing platforms to show off your skills (not in a bad way) and get more direct clients.

9. Create Videos 

You should also create videos about your SEO projects. Share your case studies, what you achieved in the last projects, and the tips that can help improve search engine rankings. As you consistently share your expertise, you’ll build a subscriber base interested in your insights and experiences.

These subscribers will follow you across social media, via email, and on your blogs. The more people search for you, the more your profile, name, blogs, and other details will gain visibility on search engines. Over time, you’ll establish yourself as a freelance SEO specialist.

10. Don’t Overcommit or Make Fake Promise 

The biggest mistake individuals make is they sometimes overcommit and make fake promises. Note that making a promise isn’t bad itself, but the issue is overcommitting that you can rank a site on the first page of Google in two to three months which is nearly impossible.

So, stay true to what you can deliver, and avoid making fake assurances. By being honest about what you can achieve, you build trust with your clients.

Final Words

In a nutshell, beginning your journey as a freelance SEO executive may have its challenges, but it’s not impossible. Yes, you’ll face difficulties in getting projects in the beginning, but with good strategy and marketing, you can succeed. Just don’t forget to keep yourself updated with the best SEO practices and new trends so you can offer the best services to your clients.


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